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Embracing diversity, fostering respect, creating acceptance.


Using advanced technologies, NEAR seeks to overcome language barriers and physical distances and to generate long-lasting human connections.



English course

Acquaintance between children from different sectors through Textual communication and spoken communication in the English language.

Heritage program

Gaining an understanding of children from various sectors and being immersed in the diverse cultures of the Israeli community.

The Amirim TEC

The program is for exceptional 5th-grade students in the Amirim program, aiming to connect children from diverse backgrounds using innovative technology.


The program’s online learning method, facilitated by specially-trained teachers,

becomes a shared journey of personal and cross-cultural awareness and familiarity.

Therein lie the pioneering spirit and innovative approach of our project.

The Jerusalem Unity Prize

L E A R N  M O R E  >

     An innovative model for forming relationships between different sectors and creating constructive dialogue among thousands of participants. Nearly 3,000 students, 13,000 children and 400 teachers have participated in the program to this day. Studies held, indicate that participants’ experiences on the program have led to significant decline in negative opinions towards other cultures and to an increase in tolerance toward the other. Similarly, the program generated meaningful collaboration between educational teams from different sectors, who serve as agents of change in their home communities.

The Jerusalem Unity Prize Committee

The Jerusalem Unity Prize

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